
Learn a language and you’ll avoid a war. – Arab proverb

We live in a multicultural world with multicultural children.

TriLings are presented in three languages: English, an Indigenous Language, and the Official Language for that region.

We at ShelteringTree.Earth celebrate this International Decade of Indigenous Languages by publishing books in three languages to be shared by the multicultural, multilingual, multi-generations who love to read.

We publish each of our children's books in the 5 major languages of the world: English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, and Italian and in as many indigenous languages which share a historical connection with the major languages as I can find translators. We have translated most of our current children's books, but it does take time to get them published. Plus, we have many more children's books under contract. Check back soon or sign up for our newsletter to be notified as they are released!

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