Memorial Videos

Sheltering Tree Media is willing to develop and publish a 20-minute memorial video for your loved one's funeral, celebrations of life ceremony, or memorial service. 
We do not charge for this service, but we ask that you allow us to use the video in our YouTube channel and media sources.

 The memorial video's message and pictures must be in agreement with Sheltering Tree Media's vision and mission.


All services below can be provided in person (if local) or via a combination of email, video, and phone.

Product Code Service Provided Description
MEM 001 Memorial Video 20-minute video with background music to be used during a funeral service. The client must provide approximately 100 jpegs and be available to meet with ShelteringTree.Earth in person or via an e-meeting.

Services Inquiry

Please fill out this form if you wish to have ShelteringTreeMedia develop a memorial video. It can be for a loved one who has passed or is about to pass, or it can be for you if you are planning your own ceremony.

We will discuss through email the particulars of your needs.