Via Lucis: In the Presence of Saint Joseph

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Via Lucis: in the Presence of Saint Joseph celebrates and highlights the most glorious time in the Christian liturgical year: the fifty days from Easter to Pentecost. This Via Lucis journey adds light to Scripture with the dimension of artwork and encountering an imagined Saint Joseph. Saint Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, becomes present in a what-would-he-say style by observing, commenting, and conversing about the Scripture and artwork for each encounter. He walks with you from Jesus’ Resurrection through Ascension. Brief meditations and thought-provoking questions are included for group discussion or individual contemplation in eighteen encounters. It is the first in an annual series of Via Lucis: in the Presence of fictional encounters with saints and early Christian leaders.

Book Trailer

About the Author

Jerry is a happily married practicing Catholic living in central Massachusetts. He is actively involved in a variety of both being- and doing- ministries. His attempts to do so would not be possible if he did not take time for prayer. His life experiences far outweigh his computer technology, graduate business, and pastoral ministry degrees. Jerry has realized that his specific commission means he must responsibly identify and use his God-given gifts. He tries to share his belief in the love of God and neighbor as appropriately as possible, especially knowing he has a choice in accepting God’s will. Jerry loves writing about the ordinary times of God’s peace, love, and actions. He firmly believes we can tap into an internal desire to know unconditional love.