To Build an Army

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Book 2 of Portals of Light, Doors of Despair

When Lambs of Light pray intensely, the power doesn’t just form a halo; it opens a Portal of Light to other worlds. However, the same can be true for Dark Soldiers; their Doors of Despair open to other worlds, and one of them is Earth.

Atticus and his Church of Refuge, forewarned by the Angel of the Lord, is preparing to hold back the Dark that is expanding across the worlds. Prayer, staffs, swords, martial arts – all are brave tools in the hands of the Lambs of Light. But the war fought by those who serve the Light, the Bringers of Light, and the Light Eternal is not limited to humans, it encompasses all creatures which have souls.

This is the second book in the series and includes a discussion guide for book clubs, journals, and personal reflection.

Book Trailer

About the Author Evelyn Rainey