Sacred Strains of Praise by Michael Parker and Michael Shoemaker
In this busy, fast-paced, complex, and oftentimes troubled existence, our experiences can make us cynical, discouraged, and even unbelieving; making it easy for our connection with God and His Son, Jesus Christ to wane. Sacred Strains of Praise is a collection of spiritual poetry and beautiful photography that not only helps the reader find or restore our association with God and yoke us with Christ, but through reading examples of how others glorify God and praise Jesus, we too will find the desire to worship the divine. Indeed, this collection contains the stories, psalms, and celebrations of our lives that honor God and reverence Jesus. Join the authors, Michael Parker and Michael Shoemaker, on an odyssey as they search for God, dictate the experiences of life's journey and discover Jesus through personal and others' spiritual experiences. Within these pages, you will find yourselves transported, touched, enriched, and inspired.
Winner of the Utah State Poetry Society's Book of the Year Award in 2021, Michael Parker’s poems and book reviews have appeared in magazines worldwide.
Poet and photographer Michael Shoemaker received a Living Waters Award in Poetry at Blue Lake Christian Writer’s Conference and is a three-time nominee to the Best of the Net Anthology Awards.
This book contains a discussion guide for book clubs, study groups, and individual contemplation.